News Letter

Jim stacks request to grow out his hair for a charity was denied by principal tonya king, so now stacks will be going to the school board on monday to have a debate over this.

“had i approved jims request, then i would have students every day asking if they also could break the dress code. we have rules for a reason, and we can’t just go breaking them anytime we want.” king said.

the school board refused to comment until further evaluation on the issue on monday of next week.

“i can’t comment on the issue right now. we will discuss it at the board meeting next week”, said bill valdez the school board president.

locks of love have to turn down lots of families a month due to a lack of human hair to be used on wiggs. some families don’t have the money to buy them and this donation process helps every time the chance is given.

“i was moved by jim’s passion to donate his hair. we desperately need human hair for our wigs every month we receive about 200 request from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child, and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those request”, said locks of love.

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